Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

Understanding Motherboard

         Understanding motherboard itself is literally divided into two syllables in the English language became "mother" and "board". "Mother" who, when interpreted into Indonesian language means mother / parent / principal, while the "board" which means the board. So when two syllables are united, then it will have a meaning motherboard or main board. Motherboard commonly found in a computer device, such as its name motherboard form of a PCB board, the function of the motherboard in a computer is a connection of all devices or other components of a computer in order to have a connection between devices with each other.

      Slightly view of the meaning of the motherboard above, of course conceivable that this motherboard is suitable to say as a motherboard or main board. Because each component contained in such computer, hard drive, RAM, processors, VGA and others will not be able to function if there is no and not attached to a motherboard. So it can be said also that the motherboard is very vital device in the computer, if the motherboard was damaged as a result of surge burning for example, then automatically a computer will not be able to walk. Her other things if the other device is damaged, for example if it is interpreted as a VGA or graphic card is damaged, then a computer will still be able to walk.

The reason why a computer will still run normally when the component or other device is defective, for example, the VGA is because in the modern era, as now, a board motherboard already has a VGA device itself. So even if your VGA card  computer will still run normally. A device that is available in a motherboard is called as a device on board. While the enhancements referred to as off-board or add on. Interesting indeed  understanding motherboard, especially for those of you who do like the computer device. But there is no harm in also for those who do not like or do not understand the computer still took little heed of this discussion, because it will be very useful as the information for you.

Sentence : The motherboard is a circuit board inside a computer with all the components in your computer be connected.

Source : http://komponenelektronika.biz/pengertian-motherboard.html

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris 1

Dunia Fantasi (Dufan)

Fantasy World is Jakarta's own theme park complete with over 30 rides and attractions. The theme park is divided into eight regions which are Jakarta, Indonesia, Asia, Africa, America, Europe, and Fantasi Hikayat (Legendary Fantasy).Dufan is a fun park located in Ancol, North Jakarta, Indonesia. It is similar to the Disneyland or the Universal Studio. It has many attractions and fun rides that you can enjoy if you have one day to spend in Jakarta. Dufan is short for "Dunia Fantasi" or in English: "Fantasy World". The great coincidence about the name Dufan is that it is pronounced as "Do Fun". So you can say that you go to Dufan to "do fun".

Dufan is situated inside the large recreational and entertainment complex in Ancol, an area by the shore of North Jakarta. The complex is known as "Taman Impian Jaya Ancol" or in English: "Jaya Ancol Dream Park".